
About Us

Regal Glion is a UAE based company with international ventures in the sector of Night life and high end restaurants. We own, operate and develop venues and high end restaurants in the world leading cities where the center of attention attracts.

Since foundation Regal Glion has adequately launched brands that are celebrated as award winning, cutting edge brands in the industry.

Our unparalleled choice and commitment to our treasured guests, are the drive for the award winning brands we have launched, and consistently initiating new ideas.

To indulge our celebrities and provide them with that unique experience, we partner with a variety of the world’s leading professionals in hospitality, together we create a dazzling show and a distinctive taste in an extraterrestrial atmosphere. By the same token we ensure the integrity of the original concept of the brand is intact. Regal Glion is your destination when seeking the sophisticated refined experience with the exclusive cosmopolitan ambience.